All You Need to Know About the Insemination TreatmentInsemination Treatment - Dr. Hit

Starting from the 1980s, Insemination Treatment is quite popular in the field of IVF. Operating without surgery means we can conduct it in just a gynecology clinic. However, in order for us to administer it, the expecting mother is must not to be infertile. It is necessary that the father’s sperm is sufficient in amount, motion, and quality for the operation to be successful.

Intracervical Insemination (ICI)

The first and most common practice of utilizing the insemination treatment is to inject thawed sperm. Whether frozen or fresh, in the cervix, taking into consideration the expecting mother’s natural ovulation cycle.


Intra uterine Insemination (IUI)

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Being the most common practice today, it involves preparation and washing of the sperm in the laboratory. We adjust the sperms’ numerical values to a favorable concentration level and then we inject them in the uterus of the mother using a special liquid. Aiding the sperms with their swim towards the mother’s eggs and the fertilization process starts.

Drug therapy is an additional part of the treatment that we can apply in the process to fuel egg development, that we later trigger via an injection. Following this stage, ovulation occurs and this draws an end to the insemination process.

Intratuboperitoneal Insemination (IUTPI)

It is a common method we use when applying an insemination treatment and we administer it by filling the intrauterine and fallopian tubes with the insemination fluid. It is a fairly easier procedure and it gets the job done effectively.



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Insemination Treatments’ Profound Success

The main elements that determine the viability of insemination treatments are the mother’s age and the couple’s health status. Having both of these conditions is a good sign and will add to the chances of successfully becoming a parent at the end. The two measures used to assess the success rate of achieving pregnancy are Total Sperm Count (TSS) and Total Moving Sperm Count (THSS).

Preparing the Sperm

In order to test the viability of sperm the father provides, we check it for its number and mobility. Secondly, we wash it with a special liquid and extract it out from the liquid later on. During this process, the inactive sperm separates from the viable sperm. Once left with the final usable sperm, we count it and examine it for its mobility once more. Finally, the dilution process adjusts the sperm amount before the final application. finally, we inject in to the prospective mother, using a catheter.