Sperm Freezing ProcessThe Sperm Freezing Process

Vaccination Treatment: This infertility treatment, which started to be applied in the 1980s, is the easiest method applied in the field of IVF. Since we require no surgical operation, we can apply it even in an ordinary genecology clinic. However, it should not be forgotten that in order for us to apply this procedure, the expectant mother should not have a known infertility problem (block tubes, etc.). Likewise, the sperm of the father candidate should also be of sufficient number, mobility, and quality for application.

There are different application techniques. These include:

Insemination into the cervix in Vaccination Treatment – Intracervical insemination (ICI) It is the easiest application method. Moreover, we apply it by injecting fresh or frozen and thaw sperm into the cervix with the help of an injector. We do need to wash the sperm, i.e. we do not prepare it in a lab. We apply it by following the natural ovulation time. Chances of success are the same as in a normal sexual relationship. Vaccination treatment prices did not differ much since 2018.


The Sperm Freezing Process – Intrauterine Insemination (Vaccination Therapy) – Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination (Vaccination Therapy) – Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Most clinics use this method today. We wash sperm  and prepare it in the laboratory. We bring Its numerical values ​​the correct concentration and inject it into the uterus with a special liquid. Moreover, We expect sperms to swim through the uterus towards the fallopian tubes, encounter the egg and fertilizes it. In this method, We can apply drug therapy for egg development. Follicles that reach sufficient maturity with drug treatment AKA controlled ovarian stimulation, we crack them with a fracturing needle AKA HCG and ovulation occurs. On the same days, we apply the vaccination (insemination) procedure.

Intrauterine and tubular insemination – Intratuboperitoneal insemination (IUTPI)

We apply it by filling the intrauterine and tubes with vaccination fluid.

Intra-tube insemination – Intratubal Insemination (ITI)

It has not shown any advantage when we compare it to intrauterine vaccination. We do not prefer this method.

Success rates in Vaccination TreatmentSuccess rates in Vaccination Treatment


Factors such as the age of the mother and the health status of the couple affect the chances of success. Looking at the general data, the approximate success rates for each method are as follows (in couples suitable for vaccination):

ICI = 10-15%

IUI = 15-20%

we give it as as 60-70% in a total of 6 trials.

In addition, the pregnancy rate depends on Total Sperm Count (TSS) and especially Total Moving Sperm Count (THSS).

The graphs below shows sperm and pregnancy have a relation.

Sperm preparation for vaccination: we recommend to arrange approximately 5 million motile sperm for each vaccination procedure. We prepare these 5 million sperm in approximately 0.5 ml.

Preparation: We take the sperm from the father candidate, We examine it in the laboratory and we determine the number and mobility. we wash it with a special method and we separate it from the liquid as much as possible. Meanwhile, we also separate immobile sperm. After washing, we check the sperm count and motility again. Dilution – we make it to adjust the appropriate number of sperm before the application. we inject the sperm fluid into the uterus with the help of a catheter we use in embryo transfer.